divendres, 6 de març del 2009

Oxford Playschool

Aquí hi ha la pàgina web del llibre de text d'anglès a 5 anys. Feis click aquí.

Podreu trobar les cançons del llibre de text.


dimecres, 4 de març del 2009

Head,shoulders,knees and toes

Listen to the head, shoulders,knees and toes song.

divendres, 13 de febrer del 2009

5 little monkeys

Learn this amazing rhyme through this video!

Problema de Matematiques

En Joan te 6 caramels i la seva germana se'n menja 4. Quants caramels te en Joan ara?

dimecres, 11 de febrer del 2009

Looby loo video

Here you'll watch the Looby loo song.

Humpty dumpty

Here you'll see a video about : Five currant buns song

dilluns, 9 de febrer del 2009

Listening activity

Click here to make your own monster

Looby loo

Listen to the Looby loo song

Five currant buns

Listen to the five currant buns songs


The wheels on the bus

Click here to listen to the song


English corner

In Year 2 we're learning the parts of the body. We are studying the body.

In addition we've learn some songs in English, some of them related to the topic of the body and others related to different topics.

I hope you have fun!